The Heartfelt Words That I Could Not Say.
Hello everyone :) This shall be my first post since we've entered the last month of 2012, December. This also will be a special post since I could not ignore the guilt that have been tormented me so. The guilt has always accompanied me ever since my semester break was over and when I was doing some things, it would always get me thinking about the unforgivable things I did... to this certain someone . Today is my little sister's birthday by the way and also... the person 's, which explain the sudden outburst and me, deciding to finally pour it out here. To tell you the truth, the reason I want to write the things I will about to write is to hope that some way or another the person would come across it and know the reasons behind my ridiculous actions. First, I want to apologise to you for I believe... I have wronged you in so many ways. You have been so kind to me, been there for me during the times I needed someone to just hear me out and offered the words to co...