Happy Morning!

The bright late morning sunlight streamed through the large window and you are awakened to a....

YES! Happy morning! ....Wow, I honestly don't know what the heck is up with me... I mean what's up with that corny greeting? And why can't I get this smile off my face and this giddy-ish feeling off my chest..?

Actually, I've acted this strangely for some days now but it didn't bother me that much until... now. I woke up at 3AM oh-so-suddenly, then came to the realization that I fell asleep with my laptop on right in front of my face and since I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to continue to watch the new show I have just recently encountered yesterday. Yep, I am addicted. While watching I started to giggle for no absolute reason. I mean, it's not a comedy show for sanity's sake... it's a police-people-dying series........ well there was this adorable scene between my two favourite characters in the show, maybe that was why I suddenly burst into giggles. Example two, I woke up very abruptly upon a loud noise and found myself smiling... then a silly moment befell me while I was in the midst of something so I thought with all the endless smiles and bubbly feeling, today would be a special day.

After breakfast, my mom, little sister and I went out to a wedding. Got home, my brother and his family came for a visit, then we went shopping together until late evening. It was, overall, a typical day... so far perhaps. It's not 13th May, 00:01 AM just yet, thus something special might just happen some minutes later... Let's hope so! ;)

Speaking of which, I came across this cover of a song that I adooooore so much. I thought covers would be totally overrated but this one is just... oh, gosh, SWEETNESS OVERLOAD. I often found myself singing to the song while doing absolutely anything. That is why I changed and put the song on top of my blog playlist for those who never heard the song before or this cover before. Of course nothing can be compared to Nat King Cole's version but... worth a listen. :)

What did I tell ya... sweetness overload right? I'm glad they still kept the jazz-ish feeling to the song. Oh and Michael Bublé's version is flawlessly good too. Go listen! :D And of course, the original singer as well. ;) I am so gonna put this song for my sister's wedding someday. Which might just happen soon... GOSH, one of the happiest moment yet, I am sooo happy for her when I heard the news my sister and his boyfriend have finally decided to engage, I WAS. GOODNESS.SO.DANG.HAPPY. I love her so much as if it is possible to love a sister this much. But once she gets married, things would probably change. I'm gonna miss the moments she would often come to my room whenever she is on break from her studies and lie down on my bed then starts talking about lots of things, love-related included. And I would be like 'Since when I became a love consultant?' Regardless, I am still happy for her, greatly. She deserves every happiness Allah has blessed her with.


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