What if...

Currently, I am in a somewhat troubled situation. It's already 2012, and I still have no clue of what I want to achieve in life or even what I wanna do in the future. I have to come up with answers soon as starting from January 9th, I need to fill the form for Universities/Colleges application. Thus the predicament I am in. I tried asking my mum but... she couldn't provide the answers I needed. There are actually many things I want in life.. many impossible things. I don't wanna end up in situation where I were to choose a course then suddenly, I realized that course just not meant for me so I had to change to another course. I don't want to waste time just like that now do I?

But what should I choose when I have no talents whatsoever. Gosh, if only I would be more confident with myself, but that's how reality is.. if people say I can write, then there are other millions people in the world (and some I even know) that could write, flawlessly, void of any grammatical errors. Recently I was thinking to take Criminology but some sources said Biology is necessary, which I suck ultimately at and certain that my biology grade for SPM would be... goodness, who knows; D? HOHOHOHO. /shot.

Graphics design sounds cool but I can't draw. Haha.
Medical? Out of the question, failed biology. (Not exactly fail just... a 'D'.)
Writer? In Malaysia, everyone knows it's hard to be successful unless you are writing a very romantic novel in Malay. :|
Oh, there was once a time I wanted to be in a game development company as the screenplay writer.. but where in Malaysia is there such company ? Unless there is a Square-Enix branch in Malaysia.. o____o Would be awesome though if there was one.

GAH! So many 'What if' questions in my head. D:

'What if my SPM results are O______O?' (Too scary to even use words to describe it)
'What if I would just leech off my parents?'
'What if I fail in life?' LOOOOOOOL.
'What if I chose the wrong course?'

. . .

Guess, the only person I can really turn to is... well, God.


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