How long has it been since then, 2.. 3 weeks? I lost count. Dang, and 2012 has just begun too, yet I failed already to become a frequent blogger. You could say, I was busy... in the beginning. Right after the one week Lunar new Year holiday, I reverted back to my old lazy self. Spend my days lazing around like a boss, daydreaming like a boss and go for a jog in the morning like... something. You awesome people are probably wondering what nonsense is this girl blurting about now? Busy? Oh yes, I was with a certain project. During the break, the RP Cluster gang and I sort of bonded in our own, special way. No, not that kind of perverted way, instead by spamming. It seems all the members have found their inner, hidden talent... that is, spamming. I couldn't even believe I was capable of doing so, but after that one night of posting comments equally to 1,138... it's obvious. Those members possessed true spamming talents! Maybe I should put a sign like 'BEWARE! Spammers alert.' Then again, who doesn't love spammers? I know I do. Whilst we were celebrating the joyful event, we came to a conclusion to make some sort of contest like who would be the 1000th commenter at midnight.

As the clock struck 12, the comments had surpassed its target post. So some very hard-working member did some counting (not I) and the winner was none other than Yuffie-senpai. It was strange and hilarious. Honestly, I was laughing my butt off. I couldn't even type properly because senpai was saying that the winner would receive a kiss from Genesis (yes, THE Genesis, as in the one in Crisis Core). Then ironically, she was the winner, which also explained my sudden burst of laughter.

Since that event meant a lot to me, I decided to take something like a commemorative photo just for the sake I won't forget that memory. Truth be told, I never thought I would enjoy so much the company of online friends more than those I know in real. Such a twisted thinking I have because some people I know kept saying online friends are not real, they are simply people who you met virtually. Well, to the particular person who told me that narrow-minded ways of thinking, it sure sucks to be you because those online friends I met are REAL enough to me, more than you can ever imagine. At least, they know the real me and support me in all the things I do. Which brings me to the next point, the project that I was busy with was actually a visual novel game, 'RP Cluster the Game.' Yes, obviously, the members of that group in FB inspired me to create it. Took me nearly five days to make the first chapter including the OP. While making it, I didn't think the game would receive so much support but I was wrong. They are the best. I love who they appreciate the effort I put into making it.

Some screencaps I took. Who knew I could crack people up with my (sometimes) nonsensical jokes? I'm just glad they enjoyed it. So many positive feedbacks, I am all fired up to be making chapter 2. The ideas all are in my head, but let me tell you, they are not as funny and happy as the first chapter was. Something tells me it'll be a bit more serious or I hope it will. Because the second chapter will, more or less, tell the story why those girls decide to join the club... voluntarily. The girls I'm talking about are obviously, Chloe, Harumi, Mayu, Namine and Saki. All the characters are arranged in alphabet order not in favourable form by the way. LAWL.

That is my attempt to make an OP of the game and below is an another attempt to make an ED. But no matter how I look at it, the video still looks like another OP.

Well, since I took a step forward by updating my blog, let's hope I will take another step forward to start doing chapter 2 as well as the next chapter for Dance of the Evanescent. You don't know how excited I am to be sharing with the people about my story... it's just that... putting them in words, I can never express the situation well enough. In the end of every chapter, it always leave me with this incomplete sense of feeling like it's not enough. Man, I wish J.K Rowling was here to give me some advice, or even Jane Austen. OR maybe WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE himself-- /SHOT.


Things I do while writing this post: Banging my head to the first song on the blog while clapping my hands to the rhythm as if I was folk-dancing... really, this song should be the one used when the Capital City of Ourania was dancing at the bonfire festival. Yep, no more Winnie for awhile.


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