This time of year...
. . .where a lot of TV series comes to an end... a lot of my favourites too... damn sad.

Last Sunday was Once Upon A Time's season finale, and it just got so good too. Jeesh. Last week was New Girl. Then this week will be Nikita's season finale, as for Revenge, another one more episode before the season finale. But most of all last night... was Hawaii Five-0. . .


I hate how the writers always leave us hanging for more. I mean, literally! With all the dramas thrown up into this one episode and the suspense. JEESH. They're making it harder for me to live my life while waiting for September to come for the next season. How could I? With the Kono part in the end. Oh goodness. ADAM NOSHIMURI, go save your girl. NOW. I was so sad when there was no one there to save her. I know, Steve and Danno have other things to take care of. And Chin, well, figures he went for his wife. Adam, y u no make any appearance? Lenkov, y u no let Adam appeared in the episode? I need my Adam/Kono. A shipper needs her drug.
But man, I just can't imagine once Adam hears what the effin' heck happened to his girl! With his Yakuza backgrounds... aw aw awwww, he'll be taking his oh-sweet-time with Delano. After that more Adam/Kono. No angst please or I'll be in tears again like on episode 22 of season 2.
But man, I just can't imagine once Adam hears what the effin' heck happened to his girl! With his Yakuza backgrounds... aw aw awwww, he'll be taking his oh-sweet-time with Delano. After that more Adam/Kono. No angst please or I'll be in tears again like on episode 22 of season 2.

That scene breaks my heart every time I watch it. I want happy moments for this pair! Kono deserves them. And Adam.. no matter what he does... always so *___* I know this pairing won't last long, probably just until season 3 but I will still take a break from McKono and board Adam/Kono ship before then.
In conclusion, H50 season finale literally killed me. Destroyed me. Tore me apart. My existence faded.

Okay, I go fall into despair again. . .

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