Where It Began and Ended: The Introduction.

Where it ended (Part I).

That seemed more than just a rendezvous;
It was a tryst.
That seemed more than just friendship;
It was love.
That seemed more than just the beginning;
It was an ending.

She sat on the deserted bench almost impatiently in the outskirts of town and her harebell-coloured dress looked as if it was damped by the dewdrops after the small town of Newbury had to endure quite the storm for a few days, but for Anneliese Alden it was longer than just mere few days. She had to stay inside her room and to remain only within the radius of the family manor against her own will. Then she was left in despair seeing the weather did not permit her – or anyone else for that matter – to take even a step outside. Socializing was momentarily aborted for the people there and hence, a ball was to be held in the town’s hall as a means to recompense for the lack of interactions and dancing.

As the sky gradually began to show signs of clearing from the unending rain, the fifteen year old maid was consumed with bubbling enthusiasm and soon found herself running in her garment for tonight’s ball. Smirches of dirt sprinkle all over her dress whilst she stepped on muds and puddles but she could hardly care for any of it. All her thoughts centered on one particular meeting— that one meeting with her most great companion.

She sat alone on the bench, a perfect place for their secret rendezvous amidst the wheat fields that seemed to be isolated from the countrymen since the rain was only beginning to subside. Anneliese hummed to the chirping of birds, an indication of her uncontrollable happiness as she waited. Her eyes searched for the shadows of her longing gentleman across the fields and grew breathless as she thought she saw a familiar figure coming her way. The girl stood over the bench and on an immediate impulse, Anneliese sprung, dashing towards the young lad that she was completely certain it was him— tall, dark-hair and the boyish face despite of his age that was three years older than she was.

The fine young man had too seen her in the distance, hurried towards their promised place and the two soon found in each other’s embrace. That was not a mere rendezvous, it was a tryst; that was not just friendship, it was love, and their affections for one another never ceased even after so many days had passed of not seeing another or despite their families’ disapproval as none of them possessed prospects for the near future. They knew that. They understood how important it was to marry to someone who could ensure their future. Regardless, their hearts told them otherwise.

“Anneliese,” She heard him murmured in that serenity voice she had longed to hear all week and it rendered her breathless once more, aggrandizing every bit of happiness she felt before. ‘Harris’ short for Harrison Rhys and she wished so deeply she could at least utter a reply of his name but the node in her throat prevented her to.

The couple remained as they were, in the same position for a brief moment to compensate for all the lost time they were supposed to be together but tragically was hindered by the unpredicted rain. Harris reluctantly pulled away when a depressing notion struck him and he frowned upon it. “My dear, Anne, I’m afraid I cannot stay here for long.”

Anneliese was well aware of the reason why. She too had duties to attend to and if they were to be away for too long, their families may send out their servants to search for them. Under some circumstances, they could not afford to be found in such a manner especially after a specific order was given to them by their parents – Anneliese Alden and Harrison Rhys were forbid to be married. After their first encounter and proceeded by their constant meetings with one another, each of the families grew weary of the intimacy showed between Anne and Harris. Thus, the two were forcibly separated since then. But being the genius little girl, Anneliese would always find the perfect way to break free from such confinement and so did Harrison. They would leave notes in a secret hiding place near the old meadow up the hill that only they knew. Alas, even that did not last long when one of the Towner saw them riding together, the rumour spread and by then, they could barely see each other at times.

But today was an exceptional meeting for us, Anneliese thought as she emitted a deep audible breath, expressing her utmost sadness as she hesitantly let Harrison’s fingers slipped through hers. Before he walked away, he pressed his lips on her hand to bid his goodbye. “Surely, I will see you tomorrow will I not?” Anneliese had finally found her voice just before they parted.

Harrison slowly turned around to face her but no words were said. He simply gazed at the young maiden stood before him thoughtfully, at the same time; he took regard of every detail of her looks as though he wanted for it to last for a long, long time. And in that heavenly short period moment, Harrison professed his undying love for her. “I am most ardently in love with you Anneliese Alden.”

Then, she stood there, watching him go. She put the strand of her hair behind her ear and that happiness glint in her eyes was soon to be nowhere in sight. There was strangely a mixed of feelings when she heard Harrison said those words— both of intense joy and unbearable sorrow.

Yet she did not even know the reason why.

Honestly speaking, I don't know why I wrote this in the first place, it just happened and continuously flowed in me. To ignore the impulse to write seemed such a waste so I thought...  I should just give in. And really, it felt so good to be writing -- it filled the sense of loss that I felt all these time. I'm pretty sure this won't turn up to be some concrete story that will last... I just thought I ought to record it for keep's sake. :)

And yes, I know. I just used the same banner because I thought it matched perfectly. The meadow and everything and since I had written it based on that same meadow... obviously.


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