New Banner + New Chapter !

Ah, yes. Recently, I took the liberty to complete my unfinished banner that was deserted for a month now. I intended to make a new, OFFICIAL banner of the series, 'Dance of the Evanescent' but then I came to the realization, I could not put all the characters in one banner. HOHOHO.

So, voila. :)

This banner is to commemorate the encounter between Alice and Mayu (as well as Quess.) I shall introduce the characters above and what role do they play in DOtE; from left to right.
Behind: Chloe, Mayu, young Quess and Zachary.
Front: Alice, Quess.

As you can see, there are two Quess. Yep. Even I fancy this character I created myself (although he is inspired by this certain character). Very, very strange indeed. And the middle lady shall remain a mystery for the time being. :)

As for the chapter, I have finally updated DOtE with chapter XIX - A Soldier's Honour. This chapter is more or less; Zachary-focused. Frankly speaking, I did not intend to make it into one but it just... happened. I sure hope no one dislikes Zachary. I just thought, maybe, he deserved some spotlight before his death. Putting that aside, I can believe DOtE is already in chapter 19. Really... this is the longest story I have ever written and I hope I can finish it! There are so many mysteries to be unravel, as well as new characters to be revealed!


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