Her babbles 1
As you can probably hear, the first song that will boom out from your speaker is... none other than 'Winnie the Pooh.' Ahahaha, I thought I should lay off the gloominess and the sentimental music playing in the background, rather put some happy music to cheer up the atmosphere of the blog a bit.
Rest assure, my obsession with Winnie the Pooh is not as sudden as it seems. In fact, I am actually, a big Disney/Classics dork. I mean... who isn't? They played a big role in my childhood. I remember re-playing the tapes from Snow White to the Little Mermaid because back then there were no CDs, even if there was any, it would be as expensive as a PS3. Okay, maybe that was a bit too expensive but you get the picture.
I was so happy when Disney released a new Winnie the Pooh movie last year. Of course with the same ol' (adorable) Christopher Robin. Too bad the real Christopher Robin wasn't as cute -- personality-wise. I don't think what Mr. Milne did anything wrong though, to the point that his son; Christopher Robin himself sorta 'hated' his father for creating the character the Pooh's Robin based on him. I think any kid would want their father to write stuffs about them. Of course some things would be pretty embarrassing but overall, it's sweet.:)
If you people are curious what I'm talking about, go check wikipedia. I remember spending a lot of time reading about him last year. ^^;
It'll be nice if Disney would release more great movies like these. I am ecstatic about the release of Beauty and the Beast 3D and all but just making them 3D isn't gonna cut it. Make more animated movies like Tangled. Or a sequel... but then, most sequels tend to sucks. LOL.
But don't worry, I would still watch Beauty and the Beast 3D. Even bookmarked the GSC website to book once it's out. :)
I was staring off in the distance so while I was at it, I thought, 'Might as well snap some pictures of my Disney dorkiness.' Then babble a bit about myself and other things. Ahaha. You don't have to read the rest of the entry because I think it's boring just writing about stories here and there so... fresh air~

Lols, my Pooh&Tigger&Piglet gang stickers plastered on my wall and the Pooh's frame I got from my sister on 2007. Most of the things on the table are gifts apart from the book and the KUROSHITSUJI's mug I bought at Comic Fiesta '11. :) If anyone's curious, the book title is The Painted Lady by Maeve Haran. The story took place in London and based on a true story of Frances Steward, Duchess of Richmond, who's up until now, famous for refusing to be a mistress of Charles II. I really enjoyed reading it and so far, this one's my favourite. If you're not a fan of historical events, then this might not be your cup of tea though. ^^;
Then below are some extra screen shots of my personal books while the rest are kept in the living room.
There was one point, I was extremely into Vampires as you can see at the dark-esque books apart from (yes) Romeo and Juliet and the fantasy book at the end. Just to be clear, it was not Twilight that made me obsessed with those creatures of the night. I despise Twilight. :I
Romeo and Juliet would be my second favourite for now. I honestly didn't think I would cry while reading it because of the ridiculous story of lovers killing themselves for the sake of love, what more, for a stupid misunderstanding. We heard a lot of versions so we won't be so sure how the story really happened, even I was confused at one moment so I took the initiative to buy the book and discover it myself. I was surprised at the truth and all I could say now... it was just bad luck. Really, if you guys want to know then continue to read on but if not, then... just leave. Lol.
If I remember correctly, Juliet was forced to wed Paris despite at the time, she had already married Romeo in secret. Desperately did not want to marry Paris, Juliet took the drug which was given by someone she knew that would put her into a death-like coma for 42 hours. A messenger was dispatched to inform Romeo of her state but unfortunately, the message did not reach him. Thinking that Juliet was dead, Romeo bought a poison (..err, a bit too dramatic there mister) and confront Paris who was still mourning for Juliet's fake-passing. Paris was really in love with Juliet too actually. ;___;A battle ensued between them, and of course, Paris died. Then Romeo drank the poison, and DIED. Suddenly, Juliet woke up but seeing Romeo's dead body... she took his dagger and stabbed herself... and DIED.
So basically, that was what really happened. What humiliating was the fact; I cried. Yes, there were tears. Probably because how it was written. Even though, it took a while for me to understand the old English and all but I managed. I wish there was a complete novelization of Romeo and Juliet rather than the play-script. Mmmmmm...
That was Romeo and Juliet, and the big red book you see on the other picture is actually a dictionary, which my mum bought while she was in U.S., studying and now she handed it to me. It looks pretty old but the contents are pretty decent. :D The book next to it is Emma by Jane Austen that I bought along with the Painted Lady. It's a very good book but personally, I think isn't as good as the Painted Lady but I can't wait to buy more of her books though -- the famous Jane Austen. *love* The stack of papers are list of 1000 Kanji. Yes, 1000 with 200 pages. CRAZY.
The drawing that you can partially see is drawn by none other than my sweetheart, Neeya. Lol. I've known her from grade school and surprisingly until now. After approximately four years of separating, we met again on 2010, a meeting organized by Iskandar. Also the day she gave me the drawing, knowing how much I was in love with Akihiko. She's the sweetest! Those who went to Comic Fiesta might know her because she opened a booth there. ;)
I guess I should end this long post. Feels good to write about yourself and your interests once in a while. Until then, au revoir.
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