The Little One and All Other Things

Bonjour again everyone. :)

As usual there was nothing particularly interesting or out-of-the ordinary happened in the past few days or after my previous post. Just kept myself busy doing well, things, sadly, writing was not a part of them. Speaking of which, the book I'm reading (Lady of the Rivers) has been fairly good so far, a bit slow but good and now I'm scared to finish it off because that will only mean I no longer have any book to read, that is why I've decided to take it slow. I continue reading it and sometimes, watch some series like the recent one that I've watched, another splendid BBC mini-series, an adaption of the Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens starred Claire Foy and our very own Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride & Prejudice, 2005) -- Matthew Macfadyen. The character Arthur Clenham in Little Dorrit was the exact opposite of his role as Mr. Darcy. What a total coincidental contradiction indeed!

The series touched me so as though I was on a roller-coaster of emotions from happy to sad and to joy again. Overall, the ending was great. 


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