Got inspiration?

Not intended to sound oh-so-serious out of nowhere or anything but it's just that... I feel completely hopeless. ZERO.INSPIRATION.

There were a lot of times that I wanted to write again but whenever I was getting ready, there would be a pause. I don't know where to start. I can't start. Not writing, I feel like a big part of myself has disappeared. Writing has always been a part of my life as long as I can remember. When in high school, continuous writing was the most part of the lesson I had anticipated and I nearly felt sorry for my teacher hahaha. Had to read my essays from three to five pages. ONE. ESSAY. Back then everything was my inspirations. I remember I wrote about a friend of mine in the internet universe on my FORM 4 final exam. See, everything I see, listen and do gave me inspirations back then but now... nada. Or should I say rarely. A few weeks ago, I attempted to write again and took me almost three days to think of what to start with and took me nearly the whole day to write the opening... a.very.short.opening.

The bright mid-afternoon sunlight streamed through the large window. Heavy silence lingered in the young prince’s study room as he intently read through the books regarding the history of the lands of Castadea, soon-to-be under his rule. The royal maids, five in total, were lined up to assist the royal highness with their backs straight and heads slightly bowed. They were, however, secretly eyeing each other with the same curious looks at the thought of their master’s obedient self, which he rarely or never in fact, complies all so easily. One of them, a girl with dark brown hair and a face of a thirteen year old, discreetly looked up after her friends urged her to do so.

‘What do you see, Eira?’ The brunette’s friend asked in a whispering manner to avoid disciplinary penalties from their superiors for their so-called improper acts.

From where she stood, Eira could see in regard of every detail of Prince Aidan’s guise. She was expecting that somehow the prince had fallen into a momentary sleeping state; instead she found something that intrigued her even more, a mischievous grin he tried so hard to suppress. Clearly he was up to something no good again, she could not help but wonder.

When she felt her elbow was nudged by someone next to her, Eira quickly diverted her attention but in that moment, she had also caught something in the corner of her eyes; Aidan was counting from three to one in a soft tone. At the count of one, his grin widened into that of a Cheshire cat and in an instant the shrill of a man boomed, tore the quiet afternoon.

Everyone in the room quickly turned their attention to the windows and the scene they could see from there, completely baffled them…
Just that took nearly the whole day to write. And I didn't even know what I was going to write about... hopeless indeed. Regardless, I supposed I shouldn't give up just yet. Maybe some blasting plot that would knock the people's socks off is waiting for me later in the future... let's just hope it's soon.

This song, however, do give me this inspiration that is urging me to write. Maybe I will.. discard that very short opening that I wrote and write a new one hahaha. Too bad I can't share the official music video to this amazing song but can watch on Youtube itself. One of the beautiful music videos I've ever watched. Well, nothing special but it as if the video is holding a very deep meaning to it that I find it simply... tantalizing? Ahahah, whatever. It's just amazingly gorgeous, just how I pictured how the music video would be.


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