What happened?

Yeah. Like. what happened to this blog?
I apologize for the lack of updates nowadays.
I've been busy, again, the same lame excuse.
Even if I weren't busy, I was probably be doing something like
resting. Yeah, that's an idea.

However, since the kawad competition has ended, so I'm less-busy I guess.
To think I actually joined the Scouts marching this year, haha.
Last time I joined was on 2008.
But somehow, I could still remember the steps and the formations --
considering we used the same formations.
So, skipping once and twice of the practice didn't cause that much harm. :DD

Now, I am stressing over Canteen Day. And I don't like how we called it 'Canteen Day.' xD
I shall replace it with 'School Festival' instead.
Since I'm head of the Kelab Pustaka a.k.a the Bookworm Club (but not so much of a bookworm either), I sort of have to do a lot of work.
Thank God, my friends are helping.
We will be doing two things this year. One is 'Heart2Heart' -- courtesy of the new 4Minute's song -- and a delivery service. We sell chocolates and send them for the people who order.
Yesterday, due to a number of absent teachers because of the Choral Speaking competition,
we went to the library for like, a short meeting and do some checking up on the order list.
It was fun unlike last year, the juniors and the seniors barely even talked.
But this year, it was different. We mingled around with the juniors.
And it was surprisingly refreshing.
We made nicknames for some. 'Errand boy' and 'Monkey boy.'
Maybe we should make one for all of the members. *winkswinkswinks*
Then for the school festival, we will be doing... a Cafe.
L'Readers Cafe.
Hopefully, it will be turned to be just fine.
Wish me luck guys!


And the week prior, 5 Science had our English oral test, where we needed to
create short drama based on the poem 'Are You Still Playing Your Flute?' or 'In the midst of hardships.'
The teachers assigned us in groups, randomly.
which at first when I knew who the members were, I immediately gawked.
I was in denial.
Then my teacher chose me as the leader.
I was stunt.
One of them expected me to do all the work.
I was pissed when I heard that (despite the fact he used to be a friend of mine when I was in form 2).
Let me just describe my members, using the fiction names I made (with the help of Nat&Eera) for the drama.

1. Justin Beaver (hero) - the guy who agrees to everything if you ask him 'It is okay?' and stuffs.
2. Smiley Cyrus (Friend of the heroin) - A very innocent individual, if I may say so myself. She'll say yes to everything, to the point I sometime felt bad whenever I asked her to help.
3. Narrator - The guy who sleeps in class but take the whole 'we-must-make-sure-the-class-is-clean' thing very seriously. Unbelievable but true. In the morning, he will be the first person checking the duty roster. And do the sweeping or arranging the desks even if he was not on duty.
4. Nick Jonah - Another laid-back guy.

Seeing them at first, of course I was shocked.
But I decided to give it a shot nonetheless.
And proudly, I say, it worked out just fine.
I personally think it was great. They memorized their lines and acted perfectly.
While some group never even bothered to remember theirs.
So I was really grateful considering I did the script three times.
After we acted our drama, the people were I think, in awed.
And some even congratulated us. And me. Because surprisingly,
I managed to speak out loud and acted all mad.
I was even shocked myself.
Now, allow me to thank the members once again. Thank you very much guys!


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