Randomness #1 (...or was it #2?)

Be warned.
This is a random post.
Just to waste your time.
Heed my warning.
Do not proceed if you think this might be;
a complete waste of your time.
Thank you.

One morning (more likes yesterday morning), I posted a status on my Fb.

Should I translate this?
I was just greeting the early facebookers.

Good morning, everyone.
What is today's breakfast?
My Akihiko love-rival commented.
So I replied.
Commented back.
The pattern went on and on.

Conclusion; I have a Mareshiajin-eating-Furansu-food-for-dessert-in-the-morning.

Objective; Random.


P/S; Did I mentioned that I am so heading over heels in love with the NicoNico Douga singers all over again? Particularly Clear, Nero and the rest of the PointFive(.5) members?
I'll probably make a post of them soon.!

P/S/S; And did I mentioned I ate Korean pancakes (cooked by none other my mummy
inspired by Lee Hyori from Family Outing S1.


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