Experience of Present&Past.

Today was the Marathon Day.
Believe or not, I sorta had fun.
Though, I just ran all by myself considering that two of my friends
were absent. Yes, lonely I was.
While the other two are the Red Crescent Society,
thus, they had to stand and watch out for injured students/runners.
If there was one.
Oh, there was one.

Carry on, tomorrow's Sunday.
But do I have anything planned on?
Er. Might be. But not a definite answer.
Though, hopefully, my plan goes as plan.
Please do.

If so, I have to finish all the homework.
There sure a lot of homework.
And did I mention that I dislike directed writing?
I haven't?
Well, I do. At times. Depending on the topic.
Articles, nay. I hate it most.

The main reason that I kinda dislike directing writing is that...
they give you the words. I mean, sure, the words aren't
which I normally used. But sometimes it's hard for me.
Especially if it's regarding something so out of my league.
Like a house on fire or something. Or even, an accident.
I much prefer fiction. And fantasy, please.

Moving on... how do you readers out there (if there's any...)
like the first song on my playlist?
To those who don't who they are...
One is Son Dongwoon also known as the Arabian Prince (...Aladdin?)
And another is also one of my biases, Yoon Doojoon.
Both are from the Korean B2ST/BEAST boy group.

I remember the day, I mean the two days meeting them.
It was like a dream come true.
I remember the time my sister and I bought four of their latest albums
just to get the Showcase passes. Two of us and another two for friends of mine.

On the day of the Showcase, which was held at the,
err, I forgot where but it was somewhere in Ampang.
Who knew it was 'that' crowded. We were there around 3.30pm
but I'm certain that some people gathered a whole lot earlier than us.
Like in the morning? We were so tired. And I couldn't go to the bathroom.
The gate was supposed to be open around 7pm but was delayed.
Until around 8.30, if I'm not mistaken.
Yes, everyone was exhausted. There were about 100 people that fainted.
Including me.
Or, that I didn't faint. Just suffered from a slight panic attack when the gate was finally opened.
It was a scary experience. Though, I know that I do have panic attack.
But in my entire life, I have never experienced such thing before.
I felt like my heart stopped for a few seconds. Thus, I had some breathing difficulties.
I don't have asthma, for your extra information.

Anyways, let's just skip.
So, we were singing when the boys performed.
Yes, I had a massive blast.
Then, we had the autograph session.
Which I went to the stage and met the boys up close.
Yes, I had a major nervous break down.
The whole time, I was talking to myself, practicing just to say
one simple sentence;
"Thank you for coming to Malaysia."
I managed to say it to Yoseob, who sat at the end of the table.
He was the last person to sign my album.
And he bowed slightly (I think...) and said something like;
"Nee." And "jbhaebfhrweg" The gibberish part is because I couldn't
get what he was saying. *laughs* But still, I was happy he responded.

And the next day. Sunday (too).
Did I mentioned my friends and I won the Meet&Greet session?
Yes, we did. But my little sister didn't. *frowns*
Still, I promised her that we will give her letter to the boys.
The Meet&Greet session was held at Nikko Hotel in Ampang.
We went there by public transportation since I knew the place
like the back of my hand. *laughs*... Sort of.

There was some hotel alright. Not like my typical hotel that I went with my family.
Except for Port Dickson, Legends Water Chalet. I love that place.
Skipping to the highlight part, we were the second group to see the boys.
Man, I was shocked. As my friend and I were looking back at the previous girls
who went in there and came out, crying.
I was like..."They cried?" and raised an eyebrow.
But once I turned around, however, the six members of BEAST/B2ST lined up in a row
and bowed while greeted us with the Korean 'Hello.'

In my state of shock, I turned around and was going to head out. *laughs*
Yes, I was that shock. (Speaking of shock... it was the name of one of their songs. *giggles*)
Regardless, my friends and I were running towards them and took a picture with them.
And on our way outside, however, we stopped to see the leader, Doojoon.
Then, we shook his hands and I looked at him, straightly.
He was so close. And his hands were so smooth. And he was so beautiful and
beautiful and just so smexily handsome.
We exchanged a few words before we left.
At that time, I had the urge to cry like the girls before us did.
We gave my little sister's letter and our handmade, card too. A very pretty, pretty card indeed.

The front cover. Teehee.

Credits to me for the sketches. 8DD Man, I was in such a hurry sketching those.

I was jumping. So,,, it's not a wonder the quality is just... so-so.


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