

I'm so happy.~ :)
And who knows why. LOLOLOL.

I mean, I have all the reasons not to be happy today.

Reason #1; School is starting. Like really soon. =="

Reason #2; SPM tis year darn it!

Reason #3; Someone broke a promise. I mean, seriously what the klgdjsfkghrs! I was so looking forward to these (roughly) two months of break when we're gonna talk all day/night long but no~, lies. Jeesh.

Reason #4; I'm bored.

Hahaha. See what I mean?

But, I don't know. I think I'm feeling oddly happy this evening. :))

and THAT is why I am blogging for no reason. I think this post is just... a mere post. Haha. No topic. No blabbering. No complaining. No ranting. No fangirling. No emo-ing.

Just a random post! :DD

Well, I think it's good once it a while. Enough with the depressing stuff, this blog deserve more happiness! LOL.

OK. Maybe I'll be blogging soon again.

I'm guessing, once school's start, there's bound to have something to blog (complain) about. Ahaha~

OH! And before I forgot. Happy New Year guys and girls! :DDD
Wishing you a great year ahead of you!
New year, new resolution. :)
Let 2010 be the wonderful memory you'd created.
There's 2011 waiting for you!


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