What else is there.

What else is left of me?

Frankly speaking, I don't think I would ever have a bright future ahead. Hell, I don't think I would even have one, this what we called, a future. My existence hardly has its meaning. Even if I cease to exist, like that ever matters. With or without me, possibly no one would even notice.

I write stories, but they are boring to the point no one ever bothers to read. They don't even have any significant meaning to others but only to myself. 

I draw yet they are so horribly drawn, I should hang myself.

Then, whatever is left of me to do? What is it that I am capable of doing?

Basically, I am worthless. My existence has no meaning. Might as well have society with their pitchforks, then toss me out of this world that I don't belong.

Why can't I, at least, have something that I should be proud of?

Intelligence.. Talents.. Is it too much to ask for? ANYTHING SO I COULD BE ACCEPTED.

I just... want to be accepted. And reassurance that I do, in fact, have a future. And that anything I wished deep down, would somehow come true. 

All is well. I always say that to others but in the end of the day, nobody would say it back to me when I most needed it. 


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