SPLASH FREE! Yes, RUN FREE FEELS. RUN. (Drabble of a Fangirl)

That hilariously awkward moment when my dad mistook my abrupt inner-fangirl-screaming as a sign of danger.

It nearly 9PM and as if an invisible 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign was hung on the door knob as I would be busy entertaining my fangirl needs, indulging into endless eargasmic voices of beautiful, animated 2D men and trying not to lose grasp of reality (basically my sanity) in the process. Or simply known as MY ALONE time.

Why of course, neither my parents nor my siblings had the slightest idea regarding the true nature of their daughter or sister. Ah, they had not yet bear witness to my prowess as a fangirl.

I remember, I was clasping my hands in attempt to hold in that strong desire for an outburst, to tell the world, to spread the love and to let those burning fangirl feels run free in order to achieve that tranquillity -- so I figured. It was the only way. The only solution. Yet, I must not give in. I must fight!

Then, everything changed when...

Free! feels attacked.

I was foolish when my finger had mindlessly clicked THAT one link, redirecting me to a FREE! ending theme video. Soon the god-forbid, beautifully-men-made bunch of pixels of Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, Rin and Rei came dancing on the screen, the only thing that separated me from charging into their embraces (or me pouncing on each and one of them). That, single-handedly, crushed the willpower to keep the feels under control when I realized that my hands were flailing up in the air on their own. In the blink of an eye, I found myself yelling (squealing included) hysterically, practically losing the sanity I tried so hard to retain.

Much to my chagrin, a couple of knocks on the door rendered me into a forced-pause. "ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE?" I heard my father asked and his tone implied that he was, in fact worried. I didn't expect this weird turn of event. Embarrassed, I hesitated at first before walking to the direction of the door, panicking.

"W-Why?" I had to clear my throat when I heard my voice cracked. He questioned the sudden scream and insisted I open the door. Trying to sound nonchalant, I simply reassured him that nothing happened since I could not provide any kind of good reasoning in order to defend my actions. Am I supposed to say that my heart couldn't take it any longer, those 2D men were the devils as their flawless faces and smiles kept taunting me, beckoned me to unleash my inner fangirl and go amok? Let's just spare my family the incredulous truth of what actually were the activities happening behind the door of my lair.


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