
Showing posts from January, 2012

Her babbles 1

As you can probably hear, the first song that will boom out from your speaker is... none other than ' Winnie the Pooh .' Ahahaha, I thought I should lay off the gloominess and the sentimental music playing in the background, rather put some happy music to cheer up the atmosphere of the blog a bit. Rest assure, my obsession with Winnie the Pooh is not as sudden as it seems. In fact, I am actually, a big Disney/Classics dork. I mean... who isn't ? They played a big role in my childhood. I remember re-playing the tapes from Snow White to the Little Mermaid because back then there were no CDs, even if there was any, it would be as expensive as a PS3. Okay, maybe that was a bit too expensive but you get the picture. I was so happy when Disney released a new Winnie the Pooh movie last year. Of course with the same ol' (adorable) Christopher Robin. Too bad the real Christopher Robin wasn't as cute -- personality-wise. I don't think what Mr. Milne did anything wrong th...

new banner + wallpaper + new characters = ?

...Really, I just have way too much time on my hands don't I? Yes, I wrote this post out of extreme boredom. I don't know what should I do.. sure I have lots of things to do and all but... I just can't get on it. Lol, again with the excuses. Last weekends, since I honestly have way too much time to myself, I made another banner (again). Though, it intended to be a wallpaper. In the end it becomes a banner and a wallpaper that took me nearly two whole days. Voila ; Featuring all the main characters (so far... maybe) that have been on my mind for some time now. Yes, the blonde on the left and the gray-haired on the right are new and not yet to be revealed. Let's hope I can introduce them soon in the later chapters. Personally, I like them because of their roles in the story are somewhat different from the other current characters in the story, and I am also trying different culture other than the baroque-fantasy style. But regrettably, I am still somewhat lacking in tha...

nouveau chapitre !

Oui , as the title says, nouveau chapitre or instead, new chapter of Dances of the Evanescent. Chapter XX (20!!!) - The Contradiction. We are now back to Alice-focused of the story and this time, she has a small, brief conversation with Quess. When I say 'brief' like really brief and quick. I honestly wanted to put more dialogues but my teacher's words keep telling me inside my mind, 'too many dialogues are bit immature, try to refrain of putting dialogues and...' whatnot, I forgot the last part. :| And in the last part, I revealed an certain ability for the character Mayu. I used fonic symbols to capture that fantasy feeling and it directly translates as; 'O' divine maiden, Ceres. Bless me with thy power; petra.' Petra also means rock in Greek by the way. So, tell me what you think and until next time my lilies~:)

What if...

Currently, I am in a somewhat troubled situation. It's already 2012, and I still have no clue of what I want to achieve in life or even what I wanna do in the future. I have to come up with answers soon as starting from January 9th, I need to fill the form for Universities/Colleges application. Thus the predicament I am in. I tried asking my mum but... she couldn't provide the answers I needed. There are actually many things I want in life.. many impossible things. I don't wanna end up in situation where I were to choose a course then suddenly, I realized that course just not meant for me so I had to change to another course. I don't want to waste time just like that now do I? But what should I choose when I have no talents whatsoever. Gosh, if only I would be more confident with myself, but that's how reality is.. if people say I can write, then there are other millions people in the world (and some I even know) that could write, flawlessly, void of any grammatica...

New Banner + New Chapter !

Ah, yes. Recently, I took the liberty to complete my unfinished banner that was deserted for a month now. I intended to make a new, OFFICIAL banner of the series, 'Dance of the Evanescent' but then I came to the realization, I could not put all the characters in one banner. HOHOHO. So, voila . :) ...sooooo~? This banner is to commemorate the encounter between Alice and Mayu (as well as Quess.) I shall introduce the characters above and what role do they play in DOtE; from left to right. Behind: Chloe, Mayu, young Quess and Zachary. Front: Alice, Quess. As you can see, there are two Quess. Yep. Even I fancy this character I created myself (although he is inspired by this certain character). Very, very strange indeed. And the middle lady shall remain a mystery for the time being. :) As for the chapter, I have finally updated DOtE with chapter XIX - A Soldier's Honour . This chapter is more or less; Zachary-focused. Frankly speaking, I did not intend to make it into one but ...