Recap&Prayer for Japan!

So, here's my post to cover all those past weeks of no updates.
You can't blame me.
I really, was busy.
I thought on the second month I might got the hang of being
a Form 5 student.
Turns out, it's harder than I thought.

First of 2011 exams has passed.
So far, I have no F.
Thank God for that.
Oh wait, the only paper that's left is Bahasa.
So technically, I MIGHT have no F after all.
Again, thank God for that.

And my sister and her husband (including my new nephew Haziq)
have just got back from London.
For me, it was like several years not seeing her, although it was just
a year. But still... you get the picture right?
And Haziq is just so.... urgh. Simply adorable.
After they got back, my parents immediately booked us rooms at
Legend's Port Dickson Water Chalet, just because Haziq
wanted to swim.
Ahaha. The family's new quote;

Everything because of Haziq.

Literally. ;)

It was really fun.
When it was time to go home, I was reluctant.
Because, for the first time, I felt... relaxed.
I wasn't ready to face the hectic life back home.
I barely even have time for myself.
From morning all the way to evening, I have school.
Then, marching practice.
Later, tuition.
See? Scarce time for myself.

Hence, I want this one-week holiday to be worth it!
Relax all I want~
I guess... that is all.?
Sorry, I'm probably not in the mood for this.
Not that I'm in a foul mood or anything.
I just have no... inspiration.
With the cataclysms happening in Japan.
My mind just... in a slightly-complete mess.
That's all I can say about it.


Speaking of which, allow me to say a few words to our friends in Japan;

Please, best strong and be well.
You have my prayers with you.
The whole world are praying for you!



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