Sneak peek!

Hey, peeps.
I am so hyper, right now--
for no apparent reasons.

Anyway, if I ever mentioned it before;
remember when I said I was gonna do a short story
for the school magazine?
Well, I finished it.
A long time ago.
Okay, maybe it wasn't that long time ago,
it was on the day that I went to Port Dickson with my family.
The vacation was great.
Totally helped me to relax.
Anywho, for those interested.
I decided to post a little 'sneak peek' before I post the real thing.
Yeah, I don't know what else to put here.

“Oh, wow. This is just so hard to believe…” The girl, Emily, gushed. “You’d finally woke up, Ady.” Emily was so happy she could actually burst into tears.

Their conversation however, was put on a hold when they heard a knocking. The door slowly creaked open. “Good morning, Mr. Adrian Summers. How are you today?” The nurse stepped inside with a tray of just a glass of water and some pills. “Here some medicine to make your groggy go away. I’m certain that your body must be feeling that way, correct?” She asked, with a patient-friendly smile.

Adrian coughed and nodded. “Pretty much.”

Noticing the atmosphere, Emily giggled. “I… should go.” She then shot two thumbs up at her brother and winked as she excused herself.

The nurse’s eyes followed as Emily go and placed the tray on table-bed. “I’m glad the operation was a success. All thanks to the heart donor—”

He choked back the water he was drinking. “H-Heart donor?” He questioned, immediately turned his attention on the nurse next to him.

“A,Ah yes.” She stuttered. “Your heart was weak after the accident and required a transplant immediately. But with you being in coma, the transplant needed no hurry. And luckily, there was a donor when your body needed it.” She explained, tried to make it simple as it can.

Adrian couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and his head was in a mess. He was mad at himself for not be able to remember anything, let alone the accident which caused him to lost consciousness for several months. And he was even more furious when it seemed he had forgotten something so important. The nurse was going to say something when Adrian bluntly interrupted her. “May I know who the donor was?

She was taken aback by his rudeness, and frowned. “I don’t know much, but from what I heard. It was a girl. She suffered from paralysis.”

Abruptly, Adrian leaped from his bed. He tried to stand but his effort was a futile as he kept falling at every attempt. “M-Mr. Summers!” The nurse went to him, panicking. Upon hearing the scream, few of the staffs barged in, including Emily.

“B-Brother…!” Emily sobbed. She went to help the staffs to carry Adrian back on the bed when he suddenly grasped for her hand.

“I remember! I remember now, Evelyne.”

How is it?
Pretty hilarious, eh?
I personally think the genre is like, semi-fantasy and a little bit slice of life, perhaps?
But you guys decide for yourselves. ;)
Comments, much appreciated.
Love you guys!


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