On-going Delay

Hey peeps. It's another typical day for me. The holiday will eventually be coming to an end soon. Which means, it'll be my last year in high school. Obviously, I'm not gonna start ranting about boring ol' school and those boring ol' people who go there.

Life has been... well. Life, for me. I've been confused lately... with things even I couldn't come with what. How can I search for the answer when I don't even know the question to begin with... I don't know. It's probably due to the stress concerning future events and tests. And of course, life. I'm still afraid. If only, if only, there's someone out there to give me reassurance... I just need that. Only that.

I let my laptop on at all times but all I did was... staring. Staring off ahead. Thinking and pondering far ahead. Gosh, even I can't possibly come with words what I was fussing to myself about.

Hahaha. Okay, this post was clearly irrelevant. I must be at my wits end. I mean, just look at this foolish post. I'm trying to humiliate myself. Ahahah. *sighs* whatever, still. At least, I can vent all these piling up stress in me. And before school starts, I want to start doing what I do best. Editing. Yeah, I haven't edit in a long time. Or even starting creating and design new layouts. I hope my skills hasn't gotten that rusty. :)

Now, I'm just gonna go back to what I was doing. Thank you fellas who actually waste their (probably) 4 minutes to read this. I sincerely appreciate that. This is Aria -- saying, have a great week ahead of you.

as always,

yours truly.


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