Keepers of Aelhaven Note #1

Well, this is just something I want to post to remind myself in the future. LOLs. So it's not something of importance to those who do no understand its significance. xDD

Lightning - Claine (Shin)

Aya Brea - Alice (Aria)

Aqua - Alexis (Nat)

Vanille - Scarlett (Nany)

Yuna (FFX ver.) - Estelle (Hana)

Refia - Adeline (Ira)

Selphie - Giselle (Neng)

These are the characters for my newest fanfic; Keepers of Aelhaven.

Keepers of Aelhaven tells a story from each character POV -- yet still in a 3rd POV. You get that? Sorry if it sounds confusing. LOLs.

Aelhaven is a world that consists, mainly of three nations. The High Lands, Eden - the floating city; the Lower Lands, Ethereal and Ourania.

The history of the world started when a crystal, that kept the balance of the world, was shattered into three pieces which then led the world to divide into three following nations.

A prophecy once said that;

When the crystal is broken, the end is drawing near. Regardless, a chosen Sorceress will rise to prevent Aelhaven from its demise, and three consorts from each nation too, will unite once more to escort her.

The fate of the Sorceress was known as a sacrifice in exchange for the world to be saved. However, everything changed when the consort of Ethereal fell madly in love with Sorceress herself. He did not wanted his lover to be used a sacrifice in order to save thousands of life -- that will go against the principles of a consort. The Sorceress too, knew her fate and decided to carry out her destiny anyways. She had made a promise to her friend and consort, a lady elf from Ourania, to fulfill her consort's responsibility by escorting the Sorceress to the Sacred Ground for the sacrifice ceremony.

When the news came to the consort of Ethereal, he was mad. The consort from Eden died in battle against him, in attempt to stall some time for the ceremony. As he was already too late reaching the Sacred Ground, he was enraged by the Sorceress' death. And in order to keep the oath the Consort of Ourania had given her fellow friend and Sorceress -- she staked the heart of her fellow consort. Finally, peace was brought to the World of Aelhaven once again.

Though, it only lasted for a century when Ethereal suddenly declared war against Eden in order to gain full power of the crystal. Eden was already at its downfall and it was only a matter of time before Ethereal engage into another war with Ourania.

Hahaha. I apologize for the gazillions grammatical errors. I'm writing this in a hurry so that I could lose any recollection of the plot and history. xDD;; Anyways, what do you guys think of it? LOLs. I'll try to read it again and fix any mistakes that I detect. :DD


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