A day of the past

Friendship 2

I realized something. Maybe friendship is something indeed very beautiful.

2500- My darling-darling. ♥ How could I ever start loving anime, games and drawing without you? You're one of the reasons for all this. Without you there wouldn't be "Sandaro". I thank you. ♥ You're sweet, talented, smart, pretty, funny. ohmai. you're the whole package! It's a drag that we didn't get to meet again this holiday. I really want to squeeze you. ;3; ♥ Maybe someday. I hope that day comes soon.
I shall cherish this. And do you know how taught me the word cherish? Yes, it's you 'Sandaro.' On that sketch under the Sakura three. :)

Oh and I have a confession.

Actually... last year.

I entered a public speaking contest. And went to second round.

I had to come up a speech about Friendship. And the first thing that popped up was...


My teacher asked me what is friendship to you.

And I answered.

Friendship to me is 'Sandaro.'

Unbelievable huh? Hahaha.

I swear everyone was looking at me strangely. XDDD
And of course... I lost. But I didn't regret it. :)

Dear my lovely darling whom I love so much for nearly six years. I would say the same... without you... 'Luna Lacus Sakura' would have never existed. How on earth would I know about Kingdom Hearts? And Ansem who is not 'handsome'? I remembe...r what you told me once at the canteen. Resting at our favourite spot. "Even though his name is Ansem, he's not really handsome." I could still laugh; remembering all the silly things we did. The tuition in UM. School days with you what made my boring life exciting every day.

Darling, you are like the only star that glimmer amidst my cloudless dark sky. Never in million years, a replacement could ever take your place; because you are that one-of-a-kind friend that I won't be able to find even if I lived hundreds of years. ♥


I heart you.


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