Back, and Stronger

Awhile is not really the right word to truly express the time since I had last pouring my heart and soul here. For a moment, I forgot that I even had a blog. Heck, even most of friends have left the world of blogging. We all have been too preoccupied with life itself and perhaps other things. 

Before I wrote my first ever entry after awhile--I took some time to read my previous posts and even drafted some of them, cringing at the lack of immaturity in those posts. Then, I decided to un-draft them and repost--because I feel that immaturity is what shaped the current me. A lot of things had happened between the long gap of my posts. All the life jazz, from ups and downs that matured me and made me stronger. While I still have my fears but I am slowly learning to overcome them, taking baby steps. Then eventually I'll get there. Slowly but surely, yeah?

Looking back, I was a timid person. A loner, at first not by choice but somehow it embedded in me. I wasn't confident, I was uncertain, unable and often distraught by a lot of things. 

Now I am growing. I make my existence and opinions known. I speak up. I embrace my flaws, failures and mistakes as a way of life. I live with my imperfections, although I often have moments when I look back into the past and curling back into my past self, I have my family and friends to snap me out of it and support me. Even when I feel as if I am alone and lost. The truth is, deep down I do not fear because the Almighty is watching.


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