
Greeting readers and bloggers.

It has been so long since my last post. I feel so ashamed to admit it has been several months now. To think I actually made this blog but never even bothered to write anything. Nevertheless, it is never too late for a fresh start yes (although I have been on hiatus on and off the previous months and years)? *sceptical* ...Of course not.

These past few months, a lot has happened and a lot has passed by. For instance, I have finally graduated high school -- thank Allah (S.W.T.) for that -- and managed to sit for my final test in High School, which in Malaysia is known as SPM. I have tried to utmost endeavour to be absolutely positive in this but nay, I simply cannot. One thing about that is I tend to think of the bad side of the picture rather than the good side of it. For me, it is better not to have high hopes than have my high hopes shatter into gazillion pieces once the results are out. I possess neither the intelligence nor confidence.

However, I am happy for myself that I am slowly maturing and improving especially with my writing. Maybe not as flawless and creative or as vocabulary-rich as the others, but hey, it's better than nothing at all. :) Within these few months I have to myself and school-free, I intend to finish my stories and update this blog as frequently as I can. It'll be good to have something to record my everyday life and since I am currently always at home, I don't meet up with people much, hence I don't have people to talk to -- other than my families that is. But there are some things that we just could not -- beyond any doubt-- share with them yeah? Well, most of mine, I simply cannot effort sharing with them. Yes, those things are very humiliating .

I am always looking forward to see comments. Though, I am not really expecting one. Haha.
I should go and update this nearly-deserted blog. So many things to put, so little time. Riiight, Aria--- keep the 'em, excuses coming.

Until then. Cheers. :)


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