
Hey readers[slash]bloggers.

It has been quite of a long time now, no?
Since my last post, certainly it really has been a very long time.
I could not even recall the last time I posted something.
Anyway, I just ought to give you all the good news,
which is, I am not dead.
Thus, the blog still lives.
Quite the usage of words, yes?
I should be more witty when it comes to select the right words to really convey what I am trying to say.
Yeah, going to work on that.
And trying to find the solution to my tend 'to-beat-around-the-bushes.'
I have been warned by my teacher I school.
...several times now.

Regardless, I fail. Ultimately.

Then she told me to be more precise and straight to the point.
Excuse me, but is it not the same thing?
Just simply putting them in different words.
But as you have requested me to do, Mrs. I-Shall-Not-Put-Your-Real-Name-Thus-I-Will-Call-You-MRS.-XYZ.
Then I will do... and try.
And keep trying.
Until I am tired of trying anymore.

Perhaps, you could also call this a natural talent of playing with words?
Hahaha. God, even I tend to surprise myself at how awesomely cool I am, loser-wise.

Anyhow, will try to post more often once Trial Exam is over and Aid break starts.
Until then, faithful readers, which I assumed there barely anyone at all.
But still I am happy just by putting my ludicrous mind into words.


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