
Last post was on April 20th 2011,
And today is apparently, well, June 1st 2011.
How ironic is that?

This time I won't come up with any lame excuse to explain myself.
Let's just say, exams got the best of me.
Due to my bad habit of revising all these subjects in the last minute possible,
I've been really occupied with them exams.
'But exams were on the month of May. Whatever happened to me before hand?'
I know right. I didn't even write a special post about my oh-so-fantastic birthday.
Which by the way was on the 1st May.
As far as I could remember, I did nothing so out of ordinary.
Doing my usual, daily activities.
And not expecting any surprises or even... presents, really.
I told my parents I want no cake.
Because I find cake to be ultimately... insignificant.
So as Birthdays.
I admit, where I was an innocent kid I simply cannot wait for 1st May to arrive, but now,
Man, what's the difference?
That's just... probably my opinion. But if others birthday -- others as in those important to me --
I take their birthday very seriously -- YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE MY LOVES. :)

Regardless, my dad bought me cake.
...Well, actually, my sister and I shared... I guess.
Hers was on the 27th.
And we didn't get the chance to really celebrate it considering she was far away in Kedah
at that time.
It was one of Secret Recipe cakes again...
Don't get me wrong, I love their cakes, but the prices...
My parents gave me RM100. As, I guess, birthday present.
Another confession; I did tell them I simply want just... cash.
But hey, it was just an ego of mine seeing I am pretty much in my teenage-rebel phase.
. . .
Still, thanks mum and dad.
I do love you guys, very, very much!

Next, it was my friends' turn.
I wasn't really expecting anything.
Actually, I was expecting nothing.
Jenny said she's going to treat me to Big Bang's upcoming concert.
Of course I was thrilled.
But strong opposition came from my other friends.
Guess they couldn't accept the fact that I'm going to see Big Bang and they... ain't.
I shrugged off the topic. Might as well never mention it again.
These other friends of mine that I spoke of, after some weeks later -- right before exam week --
they treated me out for dinner at Noodles Station.
It was my first time.
And I gotta say, I like the Lychee Sorbet there out of everything. Ahah.
They managed to surprise me, because my mum was saying something like she wanted
to treat me and I was like 'What? Wy? It's just a waste of money. I'm stuffed already.'
She insisted.
So I went anyway. And bam.
It took some minutes for me to digest the scenario.
It was... really, really... how should I put this...
I never really experienced such surprise event.
It nearly tear me apart, if I may say so myself.

Ahahaha. I guess enough with the sudden emo-ness.
And this whole post consist only of my... 'oh-so-fantastic' birthday.
Here I thought I just wanted to summarize everything that happened before today.
Maybe on the next post. Ahaha. ;D

See ya later fellas.
Happy Holiday to all school students of Malaysia by the way. :)


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